PH-värde i Kosmetika

PH value in Cosmetics

What is pH value and why is it important in cosmetic products?

When we talk about skin care and cosmetic products, especially those that contain water, pH value is a crucial factor. But what is pH really? And why is it so important to keep track of your products?

What is pH value?

pH stands for "potential of Hydrogen" and is a measure of how acidic or basic (alkaline) a solution is. The pH scale runs from 0 to 14 where:

  • pH 7 is neutral, which is what pure water has.
  • pH below 7 is acidic (e.g. lemon juice).
  • pH above 7 is basic (eg baking soda or soap).

Your skin has a natural pH of around 4.5 to 5.5 , which means it is slightly acidic. This acidic pH is critical to keeping the skin's protective barrier (known as the "oxygen mantle") intact and acts as a shield against bacteria and environmental stressors.

Why is pH important in cosmetic products?

When creating or using cosmetic products that contain water—such as creams, toners, and facial cleansers—the pH of the product can affect how well it works and how your skin reacts to it. If the pH value is too high (basic), it can disrupt the skin's natural protective barrier, which can lead to dryness, irritation and rashes. On the other hand, if the pH value is too low (acidic), the product can also cause irritation or aggravate sensitive skin.

To ensure that your product works well with the skin, it is important that it is within a pH range that is gentle on the skin. For most cosmetic products, the pH value should be between 4.5 and 6 .

This is how you check the pH value easily with pH strips

Checking the pH value of your products is easy and cheap, thanks to pH strips available for purchase online, for example on Amazon. These small strips of paper have different color indicators that show the pH value when you dip them in a solution. Here's a simple guide on how to do it:

  1. Buy pH strips – You can find pH strips cheaply on Amazon or other online stores. Make sure they have a wide pH range (0-14) for accurate measurements.
  2. Take a small amount of your product – If you are testing a cream or gel, dissolve a small amount in water to measure the pH.
  3. Dip the pH strip – Dip a pH strip into the solution and wait a few seconds.
  4. Compare the color – Compare the color of the pH strip with the color chart that comes with the package to determine the pH value.

How do you adjust the pH value?

If you find that the pH value of your cosmetic product is too high or low, you can adjust it with simple ingredients:

  • To lower the pH (make it more acidic) : Add small amounts of citric acid (can be purchased in powder form). Start with a very small amount, such as a pinch of citric acid, and stir thoroughly before measuring the pH again. Citric acid is strong so proceed carefully and add a little at a time.

  • To raise the pH (make it more basic) : Add a small amount of bicarbonate (baking soda). As with the citric acid, start with a small amount, as bicarbonate can quickly raise the pH.

Always adjust the pH gradually and check with your pH strips after each small adjustment. This helps you avoid large pH fluctuations and that you get the desired result.


pH is a key factor in maintaining skin health and protection when using cosmetic products that contain water. By checking and adjusting the pH value in your products, you can ensure that they are gentle on your skin and work optimally. Using inexpensive pH strips and simple ingredients like citric acid and bicarbonate, you can easily take control of your homemade or custom beauty products!

So the next time you create a skin care product, don't forget to keep an eye on the pH - your skin will thank you for it!

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